What's Bárbara Cerro's New Movie (2025)

1. Todos los futuros de Bárbara Cerro (2024) - Unifrance

  • On the planet Gasto, night is eternal. Todos los futuros chronicles the arrival and evolution of humanity on this fictional planet.

  • The year’s end celebrations are coming. Christmas : the tree, the dinner, the presents. Indian and Cowboy are expecting their presents eagerly. Overexcited by the organisation of the celebration, they fight and destroy the Yule log on which Horse was putting the last touch. Horse is livid and cancels the gifts from Santa Claus. How will they win back the favours of Horse and The Old Bearded Man? How will they retrieve their gifts ? For Indian and Cowboy begins a long, very long Christmas Eve.

2. Todos Los Futuros - short film by Bárbara Cerro

  • 10 jul 2024 · ... new window). Video Transcript. Trailer / Teaser. Short Film Animation ... What's it about? Capture the essence of the film in a few words ...

  • Terrestrial life reached a very far away planet after a long odyssey through space, via…

Todos Los Futuros - short film by Bárbara Cerro

3. Todos los futuros - Bárbara Cerro

  • Todos los futuros is a short animated film co-produced by Autour de Minuit and Oniro Cine, currently in development due for completion in 2024.

  • A moon taken by women.

4. LIAF 2024: International Competition 4- Being Human / The Garden Cinema

  • The arrival and evolution of humanity on Somnum, a virgin planet where night is eternal. France, Argentina 2024 Dir: Barbara Cerro 11'55. On Hold. A young woman ...

  • This programme examines some big life moments and asks some pointed questions. The 10 powerful films include a breathtaking take on an author's experience with mescaline, the internal struggles of a group of female gymnasts, a humorous animated road movie documenting Poland during the communist era and a touching mother-daughter…

LIAF 2024: International Competition 4- Being Human / The Garden Cinema

5. Bárbara Cerro | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Explore the filmography of Bárbara Cerro on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!

6. LIAF 2024: Agents of the Imagination - Skwigly Animation Magazine

LIAF 2024: Agents of the Imagination - Skwigly Animation Magazine

7. Binocular Briefs - July 2024 | Animation World Network

  • 9 jul 2024 · In this month's Binocular Briefs, we look at a new set of films ... Barbara Cerro's 'Todos Los Futuros.' Todos Los Futuros, Barbara ...

  • AWN's latest survey of under-the-radar animated shorts currently travelling the festival circuit or new to online viewing.

Binocular Briefs - July 2024 | Animation World Network

8. Late Night Sci-Fi - PÖFF Shorts

  • The films here explore the new worlds being created and the new people we'll ... Todos los futuros. Director. Bárbara Cerro. Country. France. Year. 2024.

  • Robots used to be great hulking things: all made up of metal, diodes and beeping beeps. Let’s just say that you’d probably notice one if they were walking down the street (and before you ask, those little trundling delivery robots that roam the streets of Tallinn don’t count). But our view of robots (or androids or replicants or whatever you want to call them) has changed enormously over the past few years. No longer the obvious hunks of metals that stick out in a crowd, our robots now have begun to resemble us with ‘more human than human’ being the mantra as leaps in technology and AI make the division between human and artificial all the more hard to define. The films here explore the new worlds being created and the new people we’ll be sharing said worlds with. Will we learn to love the machines? And will they learn to love us?

Late Night Sci-Fi - PÖFF Shorts

9. Bárbara Cerro - Unifrance

  • ... News & awards. News (1). See. 22nd ... movie). Unifrance TV Export Award - Fiction : Cat's Eyes. Unifrance TV Export ...

  • Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.  

10. Top animation festival BitBang kicks off in Buenos Aires

  • 28 okt 2024 · Created by animation director Bárbara Cerro, BitBang turns 10 this year. ... His latest work, Looney Tunes' first-ever stop-motion short film ...

  • Held between October 28 and November 2, the event was recently declared an Academy Award Qualifying Festival for the Oscars

Top animation festival BitBang kicks off in Buenos Aires

11. luz orlando brennan

  • e star I lost stars Mirta Busnelli and Ana Pauls, mother and daughter in the film as well as in real life. The great actress Norma Reyes (76), desperate to work ...

  • luz orlando brennan luz orlando brennan luz orlando brennan luz orlando brennan luz orlando brennan

12. Bárbara Cerro - Great Women Animators

  • She directed the series 'Fat girl', 'The Unadaptables', 'Instructions for humans', 'Bit Bang Tv', the short film 'Artemis' and advertising at different studios.

  • Bárbara, born in 1985, is an Argentinian independent filmmaker and an animation director, raised and based in Buenos Aires. Her alma mater is UBA, she graduated as an Image and Sound Designer. She studied Directing at Universidad del Cine and Documentary Filmmaking at UBA, in Buenos Aires. She directed the series ‘Fat girl’, ‘The Unadaptables’, ‘Instructions for humans’, ‘Bit Bang Tv’, the short film ‘Artemis’ and advertising at different studios. Bárbara was also part of several audiovisual projects in the directing, animation and color grading departments. Currently, she is developing an animated short film, ‘All the futures‘, and an animated show.

13. Late Night Sci-Fi - PÖFF

  • The films here explore the new worlds being created and the new people we'll ... Todos los futuros. Director. Bárbara Cerro. Country. France. Year. 2024.

  • Robots used to be great hulking things: all made up of metal, diodes and beeping beeps. Let’s just say that you’d probably notice one if they were walking down the street (and before you ask, those little trundling delivery robots that roam the streets of Tallinn don’t count). But our view of robots (or androids or replicants or whatever you want to call them) has changed enormously over the past few years. No longer the obvious hunks of metals that stick out in a crowd, our robots now have begun to resemble us with ‘more human than human’ being the mantra as leaps in technology and AI make the division between human and artificial all the more hard to define. The films here explore the new worlds being created and the new people we’ll be sharing said worlds with. Will we learn to love the machines? And will they learn to love us?

Late Night Sci-Fi - PÖFF

14. Independent Awards - 39th Mar del Plata International Film Festival

  • From the infinite cosmos to cerebral connections, from a probable hidden past to an all imagined futures in which man walks in the company of the dog. Bárbara ...

  • Since 1954, the Mar del Plata International Film Festival, the only ‘Category A’ in Latin America, mirrors the universe of Argentine and international cinema.

Independent Awards - 39th Mar del Plata International Film Festival

15. Tagged With: Barbara Cerro | Animation World Network

  • 9 jul 2024 · AWN's latest survey of under-the-radar animated shorts currently travelling the festival circuit or new to online viewing.

  • © 2023 AWN, Inc. AWN.com - Part of the Animation World Network - 13300 Victory Blvd. Suite 365 Van Nuys, CA 91401

16. Feb 08, 2021 Berlinale Generation 2021: Whispering Softly, Shouting ...

  • 8 feb 2021 · As a child, Indigenous filmmaker Tracey Deer saw for herself how the sovereignty of her Mohawk-First Nations people was threatened. Deer's ...

  • Berlin International Film Festival - official website

Feb 08, 2021 Berlinale Generation 2021: Whispering Softly, Shouting ...

17. Talks | Ottawa International Animation Festival

  • Meet the Filmmakers · Bárbara Cerro, Todos los futuros · Ted Wiggin, MIMT · Christy Karacas & Luca Depardon, Les Savy Fav “Guzzle Blood” · Talos Prophet, recess ...

  • Saturday, September 28National Arts Centre

18. All Futures | International Competition Programme 4: Being Human

  • The 7 powerful films include a breathtaking take on an author's experience with mescaline, the internal struggles of a group of female gymnasts, a humorous ...

  • This virtual screening is eligible for audience voting!

All Futures | International Competition Programme 4: Being Human

19. OIAF Announces 69 Animated Shorts in Competition | Animation Magazine

  • 10 jul 2024 · Barbara Cerro · Beautiful Men · Benjamin Hamilton · Bento Box ... Toho Reveals Promo & Cast Additions for New 'Rose of Versailles' Movie.

  • The 2024 Ottawa International Animation Festival once again highlights animation as a medium of mature and comedic themes with the announcement of its Commissio

OIAF Announces 69 Animated Shorts in Competition | Animation Magazine

20. Digitally conducted visitors' programmes

  • Bárbara Cerro, Director, founder and producer, BIT BANG International Animation, Videogames, Digital Art and VR Festival, Buenos Aires/ARGENTINA. Fatma ...

  • NRWKultur Sekretariat

21. Barbara Eden's Dream Come True | Television Academy

  • 19 dec 2022 · What happened then? Larry immediately raced out — to the next set. Every man on that shoot fled. The camera was turned over. And I had this ...

  • Playing one man's fantasy in a frothy sitcom for five seasons made Barbara Eden a star. As the title character on I Dream of Jeannie, she emerged one day from a bottle on a beach — a curvy, adorably funny blonde sporting a midriff-baring harem-dancer outfit.

Barbara Eden's Dream Come True | Television Academy
What's Bárbara Cerro's New Movie (2025)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.